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第10章 “老同学”来了(2 / 5)



jk并没有在第一时间注意到小婉这一桌人,接着对大家说:“sarah and i had a very ick hand over yesterday she didn’t leave your na list uld you please troduce yourself to let know each of you guys?(sarah昨天和我的交接非常快。她没把你们的姓名册留给我。你们能不能轮流介绍一下自己,我好对你们有个了解?)”

这话一出,下面就有人说了:“troducg yself, aga? that’s the ost freent thg i have beg dog eap!(又自我介绍?自从来了eap,我好像这件事做得最勤快!)”言下之意eap不负责任,只会叫学生自我介绍来打发时间。虽然随性的人是sarah,但现在受气的确是jk。

jk微微皱了皱眉,拍了拍手上的粉笔灰。说:“if you have done it a lot, uld you please ake a very ipressive one to ake reber you idiately?(既然你们已经练习了很多遍了,那我们不如看看今天谁能做出一个让人印象深刻的自我介绍。)”学生们没有吱声,只是盯着他,看他能玩出什么把戏。

jk淡淡一笑说:“self-troduction is not jt tellg people your na and where you are fro it is ore than that you can talk ore terestg thgs about yourself, such as physical appearance, pernality, hobbies, life experiences and retionships with others for exaple, when you are talkg about your clothg or hairstyle, you are helpg others develop an understandg about your pernality(自我介绍远远不止姓名和来自哪个国家这些信息。我们还可以在自我介绍里谈到很多方面。比如个人长相,性格,兴趣,过去的经历,还有同其他人之间的关系。就算是谈谈你的衣着妆发,也可以帮助别人了解你和你的性格。)

when you are tellg people about your job or what you are studyg, you should provide ore ration as they really want to know why you chose the career, what prooted you to ake the decision and what you want to aoplish the future(又或者如果你向别人介绍你的工作/学习,那么你需要介绍的,绝不仅仅是你的职位。别人问你做什么工作/学什么专业,其实是想知道你的专业/行业当中有什么是让你喜欢的,你希望自己将来可以做到什么样的程度。所以当你介绍的时候,你需要给出一个更加深刻的答案。)

no doubt that you are gog to troduce yourself aga and aga, the ielts speakg test or your job terviews i will give you 3 utes to prepare an ipressive self-troduction you can see as a speakg test exaer or your future boss i want to see who can ipress (我相信接下来你们会有很多的场合需要进行自我介绍,不管是雅思考试,还是工作面试。现在我给你们每个人三分钟的时间来介绍自己。你们可以把我当成是雅思口语考官,或者是雇主。让我看看你们的自我介绍能不能让我印象深刻。)”

这一番话,让台下的学生开始窃窃私语,慢慢兴奋了起来。jk又扫视了一眼全班,又问道:“is anyone good at drag this cssroo?(咱们班上有没有同学画画好的?)”brad马上指了指allen旁边的小婉,“小婉姐,叫你举手。”“啊?”小婉不是没听懂,却有些不好意思,但是还是慢慢举起了手。jk看见了她,冲她淡淡一笑,递给了她一叠a4纸。 allen看了看jk,又看了看小婉

